Five Pillars of Islamic Religion

The Five Pillars of Islam are fundamental practices that form the foundation of a Muslim’s faith and actions. These pillars are considered obligatory acts of worship and are essential to a Muslim’s spiritual life. They are universally accepted by Muslims around the world, regardless of ethnic, regional, or sectarian differences. Each pillar represents a unique

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Sharia about the Banking and Finance

Sharia-compliant finance, also known as halal finance, refers to banking and financial activities that adhere to Islamic law (Sharia). This system emphasizes profit and loss sharing, prohibits interest (riba), and avoids uncertainty (gharar) in financial transactions. The principles guiding Islamic finance include fairness, justice, transparency, and social harmony. As Islamic finance continues to grow globally,

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Community Support through Sadaqah: Strengthening Economies in Crisis

Sadaqah, the act of charitable giving, plays a crucial role in supporting communities and individuals in need. In Afghan society, the spirit of Sadaqah is deeply ingrained, with families often sacrificing their own needs to help others. During economic crises, one employed family member may support up to 20 relatives. Sadaqah contributions also bolster the

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The Role of Prophets in Islam.

Throughout the annals of human history, prophets have stood as luminous beacons of guidance, illuminating the path towards righteousness and spiritual elevation. Particularly in Islam, the prophets hold a special place in the hearts of believers, as they played pivotal roles in spreading the message of Allah to the world. This article will delve into

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Islamic Economic Principles: A Solution to Recession

The global economy has faced numerous recessions, leading to widespread financial instability and hardship. While traditional economic theories and interventions have often fallen short, Islamic economic principles offer a divine and holistic approach to addressing these crises. Rooted in the Qur’an and Sunnah, these principles emphasize ethical practices, community welfare, and sustainable growth. This article

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