Zakat Made Easy: A Practical Guide for Singaporeans & Malaysians

This mini guide was extracted from a very, very small portion of our special ebook called “Zakat Made Easy”. The A-Z of Zakat, made easy! If you enjoyed reading this article, do give our ebook some love!    Zakat is not just a duty; it’s a privilege and an opportunity to make a positive difference

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9 Sunnahs of Eid You Can Revive This Shawwal

9 Sunnahs of Eid You Can Revive This Shawwal

Eid is a joyous occasion for Muslims. It’s a celebration of victory as we triumph over our worldly desires throughout the fasting month of Ramadan in order to seek the pleasure of Allah. It’s the most significant season for Muslims around the globe, with families getting together and visiting one another. Here are sunnahs of

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7 Beautiful Reasons Why Muslims Fast During Ramadan

7 Beautiful Reasons Why Muslims Fast During Ramadan

For us Muslims, fasting during the month of Ramadan is super special as it’s far more than just abstaining from food and drinks, but carries a deeper spritual meaning behind it. So, what is Ramadan? Ramadan is the 9th month on the Islamic Lunar Calendar and is the month in which the Holy Quran was

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5 Tips to Survive Your First Ramadan

5 Tips to Survive Your First Ramadan

It could be tricky for a new Muslim when they start planning to fast for the first time this Ramadan as it is quite natural to feel anxious and wonder if you can pull off the month-long fast. It can also be a source of anxiety especially when Ramadan falls on  a summer month. Imagine

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The Virtue of Sabr in Ramadan

The Virtue of Sabr in Ramadan

For most part during Ramadan, our level of sabr (patience) is one of the main aspects that will be tested in this Holy month. It is about dealing with everything with patience, from not getting angry at situations like being stuck in heavy traffic as you head home or delay of tasks by others, or

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5 Sadaqah Ramadan Campaigns You Can Donate to This Ramadan

5 Sadaqah Ramadan Campaigns You Can Donate to This Ramadan

Did you know that you can double up your sadaqah Ramadan and fasting rewards by offering food to another fasting person when they break their fast? The Prophet ﷺ said, “Whoever provides food for a fasting person to break his fast with, then for him is the same reward as his (the fasting person’s), without

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Laylatul Qadr: A Night Better Than a 1,000 months

Laylatul Qadr: A Night Better Than a 1,000 months

Ramadan is the month of spiritual upliftment where the rewards for good deeds are multiplied, the gate of hell is shut, satans are chained and the doors of paradise are wide open. It is the holiest of all months in the Islamic calendar. In it, is a night better than a thousand months. The night

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The Psychology of Self-Control in Ramadan

The Psychology of Self-Control in Ramadan

Fasting is difficult and exhausting, but it is a challenge that is supposed to improve willpower and cultivate patience and perseverance attributes. Interestingly enough, Sawm is the Arabic term for fasting and this literally means “self-control” and “restraint.” Self-discipline is aided by refraining from satisfying physical urges. A Muslim’s good habits and manners are cultivated

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Healthy Eating Habits to Adopt During Ramadan

Healthy Eating Habits to Adopt During Ramadan

Truth is that it can be tempting during the coronavirus crisis for people locked inside their homes to seek relief through eating (which led to overeating), and it may happen throughout the month of Ramadan at night. But from a positive angle, Ramadan is the perfect opportunity to practice healthy eating habits and reduce those

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