Community Support through Sadaqah: Strengthening Economies in Crisis

Sadaqah, the act of charitable giving, plays a crucial role in supporting communities and individuals in need. In Afghan society, the spirit of Sadaqah is deeply ingrained, with families often sacrificing their own needs to help others. During economic crises, one employed family member may support up to 20 relatives. Sadaqah contributions also bolster the

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Eid al-Adha Charity

Give Sadaqah This Eid al-Adha via These 7 Online Charity Platforms

In Arabic, the word ‘sadaqah’ (charity) is derived from the root word ‘sidq’, which means sincerity. It implies that giving sadaqah is a sign of sincere faith. There are many forms of sadaqah in Islam but according to the Prophet ﷺ, “The best form of sadaqah is that which is given by a wealthy person

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5 Sadaqah Ramadan Campaigns You Can Donate to This Ramadan

5 Sadaqah Ramadan Campaigns You Can Donate to This Ramadan

Did you know that you can double up your sadaqah Ramadan and fasting rewards by offering food to another fasting person when they break their fast? The Prophet ﷺ said, “Whoever provides food for a fasting person to break his fast with, then for him is the same reward as his (the fasting person’s), without

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5 Types of Sadaqah You Might Never Have Heard Of

5 Types of Sadaqah You Might Never Have Heard Of

Generally, we have heard of Sadaqah but do we know that Sadaqah can be categorised into Sadaqah Wajibah (compulsory), Sadaqah Jariah (sunah) and etc? In our previous post we talked about the impact of sadaqah on society, and today we will be focusing on Sadaqah Wajibah and its five types.  Sadaqah Wajibah is compulsory and

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11 Hadiths about Sadaqah

11 Hadiths About Sadaqah

Islam is a beautiful religion. It teaches us compassion through the act of sadaqah. Sadaqah, or voluntary charity, is a selfless deed that is highly recommended in Islam as a sign of one’s gratitude to the Creator as mentioned in the Quran and Hadith. The term covers a wide range of good deeds such as

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The Impact of Sadaqah On Society

The Impact of Sadaqah On Society

Do you know that zakat, or sometimes, it’s known as ‘charity’, is the Third Pillar of Islam, a major teaching in the religion? Being charitable and providing for the needy are important features of the Muslim character.  There are several categories of charity that are defined in Islam, and the two most important being zakat

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11 Reasons Why you Should Give Sadaqah Regularly

11 Reasons Why you Should Give Sadaqah Regularly

As a species, we are naturally inclined to self-preservation and self-growth. This makes us predominantly selfish creatures. Yet, the aspect of preserving others through charitable spirit remains a prevalent trait of the human psyche. As much as we want to look out for ourselves, something within us seeks to look out for others.  Renowned American

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5 Hunger Related Campaigns You Can Donate To This World Food Day

5 Hunger Related Campaigns You Can Donate to This World Food Day

Food is one of the necessities of humans. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs categorised it under physiological needs, the most essential of our needs. Our body needs food for energy, and various nutrients to stay healthy. Yet the world is at a critical juncture where the number of undernourished people continued to rise in 2020 amid

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Giving Sadaqah

The Power of Sadaqah: 7 Benefits of Giving Sadaqah

Allah loves those who do good, “And do good, for Allah certainly loves the good-doers” (Qur’an 2: 195), and giving sadaqah is part of it. It’s one of the practices that Allah repeatedly emphasised in the Qur’an after salah (prayers). In fact, the word ‘sadaqah’, and its plural ‘sadaqat’, are mentioned 12 times in the

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Good Deeds

Good Deeds that Outlast Death | 5 Types of Sadaqah Jariyah

“When a man dies all his good deeds come to an end except three: Ongoing charity (sadaqah jariyah), beneficial knowledge and a righteous son who prays for him.” (Sunan an-Nasa’i) The recent passing of Malaysian songstress Siti Sarah Raissuddin has not only grieved the hearts of many but also made us reflect on our own

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