Jumu’ah: The Virtues and Rituals of the Blessed Day

Jumu’ah, or Friday, holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims around the world. This day is filled with blessings, rituals, and a sense of community that sets it apart from other days of the week. From the historical significance to the special acts of worship, Jumu’ah offers a unique opportunity for spiritual growth

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Unlocking the Miracles of Tahajjud Prayer

Tahajjud prayer is a special act of worship that takes place in the stillness of the night, offering a unique chance to connect with Allah. This prayer, performed by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his companions, is a testament to sincere faith and devotion. It requires waking up from sleep to stand in prayer, seeking Allah’s

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The Spiritual Benefits of Daily Prayers in Islam

In Islam, daily prayers, known as Salat, are more than just a ritual; they serve as a vital connection between a believer and Allah. These prayers are not only a means to fulfill a religious duty but also a way to enrich one’s spiritual life. Through regular prayers, Muslims can strengthen their faith, find inner

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Sadaqah Jariyah: How Your Mosque Donation Can Create Eternal Rewards

Sadaqah Jariyah, or ongoing charity, is a profound concept in Islam that allows Muslims to contribute to projects that yield ongoing benefits and rewards, even after their demise. This article delves into how donations towards the construction of mosques and other community-serving facilities can generate eternal rewards, aligning with the teachings of Islam and providing

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An Islamic Perspective on Hardship and Relying on Allah

The world is slowly recovering from the hardships that came with the Covid-19 pandemic. Governments and companies were pretty much shut down. People lost livelihood and lives, and their fortitude was tested in a way that humanity has rarely been tested before. Such an event would test the resolve of any and every person in

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5 Tips to Achieve Istiqamah

5 Tips to Achieve Istiqamah

Do you practice istiqamah in your daily life? If you find yourself struggling to stay consistent in performing certain deeds, be it an act of worship obligatory upon Muslims such as our daily prayers, or other day-to-day activities, you are not alone! As human beings, we are not meant to be perfect. Instead, we have

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Understanding Istiqamah

Understanding Istiqamah

People say consistency is key but what does it mean to be consistent? Contrary to popular belief, consistency is not merely about doing the same things repeatedly over time but rather it’s the steadfastness in one’s commitment towards something. To be consistent is to be clear of the commitment and to remain steadfast in committing

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