
An Islamic Perspective on Hardship and Relying on Allah

The world is slowly recovering from the hardships that came with the Covid-19 pandemic. Governments and companies were pretty much shut down. People lost livelihood and lives, and their fortitude was tested in a way that humanity has rarely been tested before. Such an event would test the resolve of any and every person in

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repentance in Islam

Focusing on the power of repentance in Islam

The Quran urges Muslims to repent of their misdeeds. Repentance in Islam is seen as a crucial component of the religion. Whom among us is sinless, and who among us fulfils all of the requirements placed on him by religion? Undoubtedly, we all have flaws, but what sets some of us apart from the others

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Oppression in Islam

How Do we deal with Oppression and Injustice in Islam?

We consistently are seeing realities of injustice and oppression through the media and maybe even in our own lives.  We’re living in in this world of technology which has its benefits but more and more of us are realising that we have actually become desensitised to themes of oppression – seeing children in poverty and

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The Deeper Implications of Ethics in Islam

In Islam, ethics is in alignment with Shariah, which is Islam’s system for social and legal conduct. To put it simply, in this Islamic system, whatever promotes the well-being of an individual, as well as the society, is morally good, and what is otherwise harmful is morally bad.  Islam’s ethical system, which is forever divine,

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Books in Islam

Our Pick of 5 Great Books for a Deeper Understanding of Islam

Note: The selection of these books in Islam was made by our author and is not indicative of the views of the GlobalSadaqah team. Islam is a religion and way of life that is undoubtedly simple for followers to appreciate and understand. Yet at the same time, its multi-layered nature presents complex underlying concepts that

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10 Tips for Strengthening the Iman in Times of Hardship

10 Tips for Strengthening the Iman in Times of Hardship

In many people’s minds, the word iman has a strong spiritual connotation and points directly to the strength of one’s faith. This is definitely an acceptable basic definition of iman, but there are many more layers to the term that delves deeper into the essence of psychological and emotional wellbeing.  Another word that effectively depicts

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Journey Of Faith Salman al-Farisi

Journey of Faith: Life of Salman al-Farisi

Salman al-Farisi is perhaps most famously known for his ingenious plan during the Battle of Khandaq to outsmart the 10,000 strong army of disbelievers by using a technique in warfare not known by the Arabs at that time. But then again he was one of the most prominent sahabas later on known for his abundant

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