“Ulama” scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah. With that appreciation in mind, the Singapore Islamic Scholars and Religious Teachers Association or “Persatuan Ulama dan Guru-Guru Agama Islam Singapura” (PERGAS) is launching the PERGAS Ulama Legacy Endowment Fund or Dana PERGAS Endowmen Legasi Ulama (PERLU) to ensure the sustainability and empowerment of the scholars.
According to the President of PERGAS, Ustaz Mohamad Hasbi Bin Hassan, “This endowment is an essential step forward to empowering the scholars to continue leading the Muslim community in the face of adversity and challenges facing them.”
Leadership from the scholars is crucial in order to fight for establishing and propagating the teachings of Islam and the way of life of a believer. This is as Allah states: “And We have appointed among them leaders, who guide their people to the law of our religion, as long as they are patient (in carrying out their duty) and they still believe in our testimonies”. (Surah al-Sajdah: 24)
From this we learn that the scholars are the inheritors of the legacy of the Prophets and it is imperative that we continue to fight in preserving this legacy.
Currently, PERGAS does not have such an endowment fund. Having an endowment funds will make sure that the funds are not used up as soon as they are received. Rather they are invested under expert supervision into income-generating assets such as properties via rental fees and also other types of Syariah-compliant assets. Only the proceeds from the income or profits gained shall be channelled towards PERGAS’ activities and towards its mission in cultivating a generation of skilled and knowledgeable “Asatizah” to guide the community through various programs such as the development of the Asatizah, education, studies scholarships and other “Dakwah” efforts by PERGAS.
Currently, there are approximately 40 Asatizah teaching at the PERGAS Institute For Islamic Education or Institut Pengajian Islam PERGAS (IPIP). Around 2000 students have completed participating in the educational program under this institute while around 750 students are still actively participating.
PERGAS also receives Zakat funds that are to be distributed to the eight (8) groups of the Asnaf community while also topping-up funding that is needed from time to time. The difference between Zakat funds and the endowment fund is that the proceeds from the Zakat collection are distributed on an annual basis, while the endowment fund opens doors to a sustainable flow of funds that can be used to generate more funds.
Donors who support this fund will be able to gain rewards for all the beneficial activities that happen, as long as these funds continue to bring benefit to their recipients.
Empowering The Legacy of Singaporean Ulama!
Therefore, let us come together and support PERLU as a means of Sadaqah Jariah (continuous charity) and as your own legacy to maintain your flow of rewards until the afterlife.