The month of Ramadan, the blessed month in which the Qur’an was revealed, will be upon us very soon. What’s a better way (and time) to mark the significance of this momentous occasion – the revelation of the Qur’an – than to improve our Quran recitation?
In this article, you will learn the most effective ways to improve your fluency in reading the Quran in Arabic, Insha Allah. You see, Quran recitation is a great art in itself. There is a difference between reading and reciting the Quran.
Abu Hurairah reported, “I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, “Allah does not listen to anything so gladly as He listens to a Prophet with a good voice chanting the Qur’an aloud.” [Bukhari]
There are many ways one can increase fluency in his/her Quran recitation. Although, hang on, before we start, let’s practice your breathing technique.

The beauty of recitation is in completing an ayah in a single breath and not stopping in between unnecessarily. A recitation is not mere reading, you have to spend a certain amount of time on each word and alphabet according to (tajweed) rules, so you need a long breath. More often than not, people cannot hold their breath for a long time. You can practice little exercises to increase your stamina of holding breath. One way you can try is to hold your breath (it’s an exercise, so do not do it while reciting) and find your limit at 20 to 30 seconds, keep on practicing and holding breath to increase the time span. The longer time span, the better.
Okay, breathing skills: check! Here are five ways to increase your fluency in the recitation of the Quran.
Related: Ramadan & Completing the Quran
1) Hire a tutor for Quran Recitation

By hiring a proper and skilled tutor, who holds complete and efficient knowledge of the Quran and Tajweed, this would increase your skill at reciting the Quran. When someone sits with you observing and guiding, our level of confidence increases, and the tutor highlights your mistakes and increases humility and amplifies alertness on your part and you will be more careful.
The tutor would also help you understand and appreciate the knowledge of the Quran. They will help you refrain from mistakes and increase overall fluency at a small cost.
2) Learn tajweed rules

One of the most important tips to further improve your recitation is to learn tajweed rules. Tajweed is the beauty of the Quran and the beauty of the Quran recitation fades without tajweed. Learn them and practice them. Learn them from an expert, either by joining any Quran class or you can avail facilities of online Quran classes.
Then, master tajweed in stages; eg: focus on Ghunnah, after you have mastered that, move on to the next stage – Qalqalah and then, keep going until you have mastered all of them!
The beauty of our recitation amplifies, with proper Tajweed. Especially when we apply and follow all rules and characteristics correctly. Quran being the universal guide to the perfect life, should be recited and read with appropriate knowledge and fluency.
3) Pronunciation and intonation

Firstly, you need to understand the alphabets, their sounds, and their pronunciation. This will help you so much in the proper recitation. One should revise and repeat every alphabet of the Quran, resulting in better fluency. This would result in greater understanding, which would reduce mistakes and increase the rewards of reciting the Quran; hence, the maintenance of proper pronunciation and fluency is crucial.
“Verily, We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran so that you may understand” [Yusuf 12:2]
The tune and tone of the reading and how you sound is also essential. It would be best if you learn when to increase (the volume and speed), when to slow down, and where to be silent. Following proper characteristics, signs, and Tajweed rules will help you much more in the appropriate recitation.
Another way you can explore is to listen to the legends’ recitation such as Sheikh Mahmoud Al Hussary & Sheikh Muhammad Siddiq Al Minshaw. Do take note though that before you start on the melodious recitation, it’s crucial to get the tajweed right.
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “Religion is sincerity: to Allah, to His Book, to His Messenger, and the leaders of the Muslims and their common folk.” [Bukhari and Muslim]
4) Record and compare

By recording yourself while reciting the Quran and then playing it back again helps to highlight many mistakes and flaws in the recitation. Repeating this process, again and again, would help to abstain from these mistakes and help improve fluency.
Besides, if you are unsure whether something you have pronounced or read is right or wrong, you can refer to your tutor or teacher or listen to any other known sheikh on Youtube.
For example, after reciting any verse, record it and then go on Youtube and search Sheikh Mahmoud Al Hussary or Sheikh Muhammad Siddiq Al Minshawi (as suggested in the previous point), for the same recitation and then compare your recitation with theirs.
5) Make it a daily practice

Finally, practice makes a man (this means both men & women) perfect!
It would be awesome if you can make it a daily practice of yours to recite Quran and repeat, as much as you can. You can easily do this by making it a habit of yours to recite at least 1 or 2 pages or 1 ayah from the Quran, everyday, after prayer or when you have a bit of free time in the midst of your busy schedule. This process helps improve understanding and become more fluent in reciting and on top of that, you will be gaining the maximum knowledge and getting awarded simultaneously by Allah!
By following the five recommendations as mentioned above, inshaAllah, you will easily amplify your Quran reading skills and knowledge. With Ramadan looming at the corner, why not start now? Imagine by then, you will be reciting and reading the Quran, like a pro!
Related : 9 Tips to Prepare for Ramadan 2022